Thursday, June 10, 2010

Primary Service Activity

The Primary Service Activity was awesome! There were over 100 children who participated in cleaning the church chairs, chalkboards, doorknobs and weeding the outside. They scrubbed it from top to bottom and did an awesome job. The younger children were able to draw pictures to send to the missionaries that we will have throughout next year (not only do we have one out now, but by the end of the year there should be four!!!).
The Humanitarian Hygiene Kit Drive was super successful! Our goal was to assemble 45 kits or one for each of the older children who participated. With the help of the Relief Society, we ended up assembling 70 kits! How wonderful you are! How blessed we are to live in such an amazing community! Thank you so much for your help and donations. May the Lord bless you!

1 comment:

Our cute family said...

This activity was successful because we have awesome kids in our primary but they are awesome because of their parents. Audrey was the head organizer of the humanitarian supplies and she coached the primary volunteers well. Thanks Audrey for your love and deadication to this wonderful service. We are glad your one of our primary teachers.